The Struggle Continues: Living In The Hood A Drug Prevention & Cultural Awareness Workbook



For Youth ages 7-15.  A cultural workbook written and developed to help youth address the societal problems of drugs and gangs.  This workbook offers a hand-on approach to understanding the importance of the African American culture, past, present and future in the battle of keeping negative forces from destroying the community.

A holistic approach to teaching, researching and learning effective solution to problems.

The Living in the Hood Workbook grants youth the opportunity to examine drug and gang prevention from a culturally enriched perspective, while teaching them through activities addressing the following; self-esteem, decision making, coping family, false advertising of alcohol and other drugs, respect and responsibility, cooperation and collective work, minority business and entrepreneurs, education, purpose, historical cultural creativity, communication, religion, excellent Kwanzaa material.

This book is based on the NGUZO SABA principles detailing how GOOD FRIENDS work together to enhance their knowledge about the African America culture; and how they utilize that information to keep their neighborhood drug and gang free 365 days a year.

Green and red paperback book.